1338 Lincoln Way, Auburn, CA
See our calendar for events and schedules.
About Pastor Ginger..

On July 1, 2017 ,I arrived in Auburn and am looking forward to all, we will share together in ministry at Pioneer UMC. Until then, when we can get better acquainted face-to-face, here are just a few words to introduce myself.
I love babies...and people in general! I love to read and travel, but seem to find too little time for either. As hobbies, I enjoy exploring ethnic food and lobby sitting in fancy hotels (very relaxing!).
As the child of a United Methodist pastor I grew up in seven churches in Northern California. After graduating from high school in Delano, near Bakersfield, I started college in San Francisco and finished up at the University of the Pacific in Stockton. Next I taught English in Japan for two wonderful years, before returning to UOP and earning my teaching credential.
Soon I began my dream job - teaching 2nd/3rd grade in a small country public school, while settling in Roseville. At the same time I married Ray Jellison, a computer programmer, who now teaches math. We celebrated or 30th anniversary last August. In 1992 our son, Myles was born. He is now a Firefighter/Paramedic for the City of Fairbanks in Alaska.
After nine years of teaching, at the urging of the Holy Spirit, I began seminary and then headed into ministry. I served as Associate Pastor at Centennial United Methodist Church in south Sacramento for seven years, enjoying that urban multicultural congregation.
Then, in 2007, I was appointed to Mariposa, near Yosemite National Park, where I have happily immersed myself in small town ministry for the past ten years. During our time here we also adopted a daughter, Bekah Stevens, who is 21 years old and works in a Mariposa dental office.
Soon my story will continue among you in Auburn. See you then!
Pastor Ginger Foster