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Coming Soon................

January 24 - 28th:  Pastor Ginger and Ray will be out of the Office.  Office will be open during regular hours.

January 25th - Church Work Day

January 21st and 23rd - Financial Peace University Workshops (getting your personal finances in order):
Tuesday evenings, 6:30 pm beginning Jan. 28th
Thursday afternoons, 1:30 pm, beginning Jan. 23rd.
Contact church office to attend.

January 30th - Faithful Women Meet at Pioneer in Fellowship Hall at 10 a.m.  Brunch provided.  All are welcome: visitors, men, teens and friends.  Childcare not provided.  Goodwill offering for Acres of Hope.
RSVP to Bonnie Wilson, 530-863-8226 or

February 1, 3 pm, Yamaha Piano Artist, John Nilsen Piano Concert.  Public invited.  Freewill offering.

February 23rd, 3 pm, Music for Humanity Concert
Public invited. 
Free will offering will benefit Auburn Interfaith Food Closet and meals for The Gathering Inn.
Weekly Calendar
Friday, January 24
7:00 Choir Practice
Saturday, January 25
9:00 Landscaping Services
Sunday, January 26
10:00 Worship
11:15 Fellowship
Monday, January 27
10:00 Prayer Shawl Ministry (Sally Fried's home)

1:00 Cares and Concerns Ministry (Zoom)
Tuesday, January 28
6:30 Financial Peace Workshop
Wednesday, January 29
Thursday, January 30

10:00 Faithful Women Meeting
1:30 Financial Peace Workshop
Friday, January 31
Saturday, February 1
3:00 John Nielsen Concert
Sunday, February 2
10:00 Worship
11:15  Fellowship

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