1338 Lincoln Way, Auburn, CA
See our calendar for events and schedules.
Church Activities
Communion takes place the first Sunday of every month during Worship. Everyone is welcomed to take Communion. You do not have to be a member of our church. God welcomes all.
Auburn Interfaith Food Closet
We contribute canned and dry goods every month. The AIFC is an integral part of our community who helps those in need of food. Volunteers are always needed to help out. This is a meaningful way to be part of an organization that really helps.
United Women of Faith
We seek to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global concerns. Women from Pioneer join together once a month to pray, help world organizations, cook, make crafts, discuss important topics, and love each other. This is a great way to know others and make accomplishments at the same time.
Prosper Placer
Prosper Placer serves families who live at or below the poverty level and are motivated to make lasting changes in their lives. Through participation, families are matched with 2 or 3 volunteer "allies" who commit to helping them along the path. In the process, families gain the knowledge, skills, and support they need to transform their lives. If you would like to be a volunteer, please call the church office to get more information. Meetings occur once a month.
The Gathering Inn
The Gathering Inn offers a nomadic community-based program, partnering with local churches to provide shelter each night. Pioneer works with other local churches to provide a nourishing meal and a safe, warm place to sleep overnight once a month. If you enjoy cooking and hosting, please give us a call to volunteer.
Cares and Concerns
A group of individuals who pray weekly for the concerns and joys of others. Members may request prayers for someone that is ill or hospitalized, for safe travels, for a birth of a new baby, or for prayers answered. Prayers matter and are heard by God.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Join this group if you love to knit or crochet as they make and pray over shawls or lap warmers that are given to those who are going through difficult times. They meet every Monday.