1338 Lincoln Way, Auburn, CA
See our calendar for events and schedules.
Want to get involved? There are many ways to help out. Call our office to get more information.

What If We ReThink Church?
Simple Ways To Help:
Bring flowers for the altar or vestibule.
Help with refreshments and set up after church.
Assist cooking or set up for the Gathering Inn, serving the homeless.
Become the liturgist to read the scripture for the church service.
Be an usher or greeter.
Knit or crochet prayer shawls for people in need of comfort.
Join a group: the Feasters, United Methodist Women, United Methodist Men etc.
Help on Church Work days to spiff up the church and grounds: raking, painting, cleaning, etc. once a quarter.
Volunteer your computer and office skills.
Be a part of our Small Groups Bible Studies.
Save egg cartons, paper bags, old eyeglasses, old ink cartridges, box tops, and recycle church bulletins.
Join the choir or volunteer your musical talents.
Questions? Call the Church Office to volunteer or ask more questions.

Auburn Interfaith
Food Closet